
Click Here to download our Scholarship Application

Click Here to download our Membership Application. 


Lo Bello de San Antonio Women’s Association was founded in July 1993. Amelia Garza is the founder and first President. As a small business owner, she recognized how difficult it is to succeed in business without an education. As a result, she was determined to assist others in obtaining an education so that they would not have to experience some of the obstacles that she had to overcome. The membership consists of business and professional women who volunteer their time and resources so that we can continue to strive to reach our goal of increasing educational opportunities in our community through our fundraising events.

Champagne and Diamonds Brunch: This event occurs the first Sunday of Fiesta, As an official Fiesta PMO event we help kick off a whole week of Fiesta fun. Champagne and Diamonds is a unique event because it provides our guests with the opportunity to find a 2 carat diamond in the bottom of a champagne glass valued at $32,000.00. And if that were not enough, we also feature a Grito Contest between Rey Feo, King Antonio and the Fiesta San Antonio Commission President. And this year we will also audience participation in their own Grito Contest. No other event offers such fun, bling, a great brunch, champagne, silent auction, fabulous music and dancing. All of the proceeds go towards our college scholarship program for students in our community.



